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School Supply
School Supply
Hanging Typography Posters

Snippets, a scrappy zine project



Snippets aims to provide a home for sketches, fragments, oddities, figments of imagination, bits and bobs, loose threads, and things not yet come full circle. We honour rough, imperfect work. We see the beauty in taking things apart, without yet having to put them back together. We provide an outlet for musings, half-formed thoughts, and strong opinions that may change at a later date. Submissions are accepted throughout the year, on a rolling basis. 

What is a zine

A zine is a small, DIY and self-published work. It is an informal, low-stakes form of publishing that is a good way to build one’s confidence as a stepping stone to future publications. You can find examples of zines here, here, and here

What you can submit 

  • Slice-of-life reflections

  • Poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction 

  • Writing exercises you completed during the fictioneer circles and workshops

  • Song lyrics, sketches and photographs

  • Musings you wrote while on public transport 

  • The philosophical treatise about clocks that you always wanted to write

  • Impassioned speeches about different-length socks

  • And so on


Make it irreverent, make it serious, make it passionate, make it joyful. Drown us in melancholy, and then give us a Helpline number to call. Be nice. Be kind. But keep your edge.


Submission Guidelines

  • You can upload images, documents, and links to audio or video files (kindly do not upload the audio or video files themselves). 

  • Please keep text submissions to 4 Microsoft Word Pages and below .

  • We accept PDF, Microsoft Word, JPEG and PNG files. 

  • Submissions are capped at 3 pieces of work per person. 



  • Once the maximum number of submissions has been reached, we will collate everything into a scrappy zine and publish it online as a PDF. While the goal for this zine is to be as inclusive as possible, submissions may be rejected at the discretion of the Editor. 

  • A limited run of physical zines will be printed and made available for free upon request. 


Support Us


Rainbow Fictioneers does not earn anything from the publication or distribution of Voyage: A Literary Journal, or Snippets, a scrappy zine project. Donations would be greatly appreciated as they would help to defray expenses (printing, marketing and website fees, as well as admin hours)! 

School Supply

Submit your snippet

Donation (optional - all proceeds help to defray expenses!)
SGD 10
SGD 20
SGD 30
Would you be okay with your donation being publicly acknowledged on the fictioneers' website and social media channels? (You can contact us at any point in the future to alter your decision).
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