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Voyage - Cover.png

Issue 1.0 is currently open for submissions from 1st July to 25th October 2024. 

We travel across oceans, using only words.

We go from today to tomorrow, using only a boat called courage,

and a star of hope to navigate by.


What seashells do we bring back from strange shores,

what battered ships,

what silent longings?

Perhaps we come back with nothing to show—

but scars on our souls, and lessons in our hearts.


Traveller, you have come far.

Rest awhile. 

Tell us your story.

The theme of our inaugural issue follows the title of the journal, "Voyage". 

Write us stories about journeys--metaphorical or physical, over seas or over land, soaring or rooted. Tell us about intrepid travellers, quiet bravery, and how we voyage--from one point in time and space, to another. We are looking for writing that is powerful in emotional resonance, yet graceful in its simplicity. All genres are welcome.


Rainbow Fictioneers does not earn anything from the publication or distribution of Voyage: A Literary Journal, or Snippets, a scrappy zine project. Donations would be greatly appreciated as they would help to defray expenses (printing, marketing and website fees, as well as admin hours)! 




What do we accept? 

Poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction would be our primary material. We also accept song lyrics and visual art. Please ensure that your piece has not previously been published anywhere (your personal social media page is fine, but it cannot have been published in other journals, anthologies, and so on).

How many pieces can I submit? 

You can submit up to three pieces of work in any of the following mediums: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, song lyrics, visual art. 

Are simultaneous submissions (to other journals) accepted?

Yes, you can submit the same piece of work to more than one journal. However, do let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere, so that we can withdraw it from consideration.

How do I submit my work? 

You can submit your work using the form at the bottom of this page. Please follow the submission guidelines. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will be disqualified from publication.

Are there any submission fees? 

It is free-of-charge to submit your work to Voyage. However, any donations would help to defray expenses (marketing and website fees, as well as admin hours), and would be much appreciated!

How will contributors be reimbursed? 

Unfortunately, Voyage is a non-paying journal at this time. However, those who submit their work to Voyage will be eligible for 10% off all fictioneer workshops in the year of 2024 (you will be emailed a coupon code to redeem your discount). If your piece is accepted for publication, an excerpt of your work will be shared on the fictioneers' social media channels, with links to your social media handles and website (if any). 

Will participants of the fictioneers' circles and workshops be prioritised for publication? 

Calls for submission, and other general updates, will be released to past participants before they are released on general social media channels. However, publication will be on the basis of merit and on how well the piece fits with the theme of the issue. 

When can I expect a response, after I have submitted my work? 

Please allow up to 3 months for a response.

What are my rights as an author?

Voyage holds first publication rights of all submitted works. All original rights go back to the author, songwriter or artist.


Submission Guidelines



- Up to 4 Microsoft Document pages per poem.

- A standard, size-12 font is preferred. 

- Include a two-paragraph cover letter introducing yourself. 

- Formats Accepted: PDF, Microsoft Document.



- Flash fiction, short stories and novel excerpts (complete chapters only)

- Up to 5000 words per piece

- A standard, size-12 font is preferred. 

- Include a two-paragraph cover letter introducing yourself. 

- Formats Accepted: PDF, Microsoft Document.

Creative Nonfiction


- Up to 5000 words per piece

- A standard, size-12 font is preferred. 

- Include a two-paragraph cover letter introducing yourself. 

- Formats Accepted: PDF, Microsoft Document.

Song Lyrics


- Up to 4 Microsoft Document pages per song.

- Include a link to an audio file or video.

- A standard, size-12 font is preferred. 

- Include a two-paragraph cover letter introducing yourself. 

- Formats Accepted: PDF, Microsoft Document.

Visual Art


- Please include the highest resolution image possible 

- Include a two-paragraph cover letter introducing yourself. 

- Formats Accepted: JPEG, PNG


Submit your work

Donation (optional - all proceeds help to defray expenses!)
SGD 10
SGD 20
SGD 30
Would you be okay with your donation being publicly acknowledged on the fictioneers' website and social media channels? (You can contact us at any point in the future to alter your decision).
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